How Your Mindset Affects Your Business

Dawna Jarvis
3 min readJul 2, 2022


If you’re like me, you’ve probably had moments where your business seems to be stuck in a rut. You wonder why things aren’t happening, or why no one is responding to what you’ve created. Maybe you feel like the world is conspiring against your success and all the good ideas are already taken by other people. In this article, I’ll share some insights on how our mindset can either hold us back or help us progress in our businesses.

A growth mindset means that you allow yourself to grow, learn, and take risks.

To understand the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset, think about what happens when you fail at something. A fixed mindset person will feel like a failure, which means they’ll be less likely to try again or take on new challenges. A growth mindset person might still feel bad after failing; however, they recover quickly because they know that their failures will become opportunities for learning and growth.

The most important thing to remember is that everyone has both mindsets — it’s just how much of each one we use in any given situation that determines our success as entrepreneurs. If you want to make sure your business succeeds, it’s important to understand how these mindsets affect your success and which ones you need more of right now!

A lack mindset prevents your business from evolving and growing.

A lack mindset prevents your business from evolving and growing.

A self-fulfilling prophecy, a closed mindset, a fixed mindset, a negative mindset or simply just pessimism can be devastating to your business. A positive attitude is the key to staying focused on the future of your business and reaching for those sky-high goals you set for yourself and your team.

Momentum is a powerful driver for change.

The #1 reason why most people quit before they even begin is because of their mindset.

When it comes to your business, momentum is a powerful driver for change — and I mean that in more ways than one. For starters, the more you focus on achieving goals and solving problems, the more likely you are to keep going with them.

And while it’s true that some goals might not be as easy to achieve as others (or sometimes even impossible), there’s no point in giving up right away if things aren’t going smoothly right out of the gate. If all else fails at least try something different first! You never know where that might lead…

Coaching is an extremely effective way to change your mindset.

Coaching is an extremely effective way to change your mindset. Coaches work with their clients to develop a clear vision for what they want in life, as well as the mindset needed to achieve it.

Coaches are trained in how to help you change your mindset and get unstuck from whatever situation is holding you back — whether it’s fear of failure or doubt that you’re good enough. They have access to a wide range of resources, so they can recommend books or websites that would be helpful for you.

The right mindset can be the key difference between success and failure in business.

The right mindset can be the key difference between success and failure in business.

It’s not about wealth, fame, or success for its own sake. It’s about helping others to succeed and finding meaning and fulfillment from that.

People often ask me: “How do I become a better leader? How do I become a better entrepreneur? How do I become a better business owner?” The answer is simple: change your mindset! You have to think differently about yourself before you can act differently.


So, why am I talking about this? Because it’s important. Your mindset affects your business, which affects the world around you. It all comes back to understanding how our minds work and then using that knowledge to create positive change in the world around us.



Dawna Jarvis
Dawna Jarvis

Written by Dawna Jarvis

I’m a Business & Media Strategist. I take a different approach than most “experts” out there.

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