Understanding Your Money Mindset
The mind is a powerful tool. It can make you feel confident or anxious, happy or sad. It’s how we process information and make decisions, but it also has an incredible influence on how we interact with the world around us — including our finances. The way you think about money can have a dramatic effect on how much you earn, save, and spend over your lifetime. And while it’s true that some folks are born with more financial aptitude than others, anyone can learn to use their thoughts to attract more money.
Money Mindset
Your mindset is what determines whether you’re going to be able to achieve true wealth and abundance in your life.
It’s not just about making more money, it’s about having an abundance of everything that matters in life: health, relationships, understanding, and passion for your work.
Your mindset will also determine how much money you make from now on — because your thoughts are constantly shaping the future.
Your beliefs about money reveal a lot about what kind of person you are — do they reflect who you want to be?
How to use limiting beliefs to shift your mindset.
The first step is to recognize your limiting beliefs. The second is to replace them with positive, powerful ones. If you’re like most people, this will be easier said than done — but it’s not impossible. You just need the right tools and mindset.
Here are some ways to start:
- Believe in yourself! Believe in your own abilities and capacity for greatness — you can do anything if you put your mind to it.
- Take action! Don’t let fear stand in your way; take the path less traveled by, even if it makes you nervous; embrace adventure and uncertainty; face your fears head-on…and maybe even jump off a cliff if that’s what it takes!
- Be persistent! Practice mindfulness every day (meditation), set ambitious goals for yourself (write them down) and work towards them daily until they become a reality (set milestones). Get into an optimistic frame of mind by surrounding yourself with positive influences who believe in your potential as well as theirs, who help foster growth rather than stagnation while also being supportive along the way; surround yourself with positivity so that negativity has nowhere else to go but out of sight completely — and don’t forget: always remember why these things matter most — because when YOU matter most then, WE matter most too!!
Learn how to create a positive mindset, especially around money.
Positive mindset is the first step to changing your financial situation. You might be thinking, “Yeah, whatever.” But hear me out.
Positive mindset refers to how you perceive yourself and the world around you. It also includes your beliefs about money, as well as what you think about business/career/business owners in general — and how those perceptions affect your ability to make money or start your own business.
Your limiting beliefs are the ideas that keep you stuck where you are, keeping themselves alive by repeating over and over again in a vicious cycle: “I don’t have enough money for retirement… I don’t have enough time… My spouse would never let me work outside of the home… I am not good at sales… I don’t know anyone who can help me start a business…!”
Changing these beliefs isn’t easy because they’ve been ingrained into us since childhood — sometimes even before birth (if our parents didn’t believe we could achieve success). The key is identifying them first so they don’t hold us back anymore!
Your mindset and money are inextricably linked.
Your mindset can either help or hinder you from making more money. It’s important to work on your mindset so that you can attract more abundance.