Why You Need a Business Coach

Dawna Jarvis
3 min readJul 3, 2022


If you’re like me, you have a million ideas for your business. But the problem is that it’s hard to prioritize them, and we often push them off until tomorrow or next week. A coach can help with this issue by challenging you to think differently about your business and how it operates.

You have a million ideas but not the time to implement them.

You may be dreaming of your business and how awesome it will be, but you need to take action. If you think you can do it all yourself, you are wrong. You need to delegate. In fact, many entrepreneurs hire coaches because they have a million ideas but don’t have the time or energy to implement them themselves.

In addition to helping with planning and organizing tasks, coaches provide accountability and motivation when things get tough — and they usually do! One thing I learned from my experience working with a coach was that no matter how much we plan or prepare for something, there will always be unexpected challenges along the way — and sometimes, these challenges can derail our best efforts if we aren’t ready for them.

You want someone that you can trust who has been in your shoes.

When you’re looking for a business coach, it’s important that they have been there and done that. They should definitely be able to relate to your situation as a business owner because they’ve been in your shoes. They should also be able to tell you what it takes to get from where you’re at now to where you want to go.

It’s always good having someone who has been in the industry for a long time because they know what works and doesn’t work for them when it comes down to running their businesses.

You need someone who is as excited about your business as you are and will push you to do more than you thought possible.

If you want to achieve your goals, you need someone who is as excited about your business as you are and will push you to do more than you thought likely. You need someone who will be your cheerleader and sounding board when things are going well, but also someone that can challenge the status quo when things aren’t working out.

You need a coach that has been through it all before — someone who’s been there and done that so they know what works and what doesn’t work in business. They’ve been there too many times to let their ego get in the way of getting results for their clients.

But perhaps most importantly: if a coach is not passionate about helping others succeed with their businesses — if he or she isn’t willing to take on the responsibility of being an expert on the subject matter — then how can we expect them to help us reach our goals?

Business owners will get multiple benefits when they hire a coach, including accountability, guidance, experience, connections, momentum, and profit.

As a business owner, you have the opportunity to grow your company far beyond what it is today. But most of the time, we get stuck because we are afraid of change. We need someone to hold us accountable and help us through those difficult decisions and challenges. This is where a business coach comes in! A coach can help you create a growth mindset so that you will be able to take on obstacles with confidence instead of fear and anxiety.


You know that you need a coach, but you may be wondering if it’s worth it. The answer is yes! Research shows most business owners experienced:

  • 53% increase in overall productivity
  • 61% increase in job satisfaction among employees
  • 22% increase in profitability
  • 34% reduction in client grievances
  • 60% Increase in confidence

There are many benefits to hiring a business coach, not just accountability, but also guidance, experience, connections, momentum, and profit. If you have ever asked yourself these questions then this post was written especially for you!




Dawna Jarvis
Dawna Jarvis

Written by Dawna Jarvis

I’m a Business & Media Strategist. I take a different approach than most “experts” out there.

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